Coping With the Emotional Fallout of Infidelity: A Survivor’s Guide
Right now, you may not feel any relief knowing that countless couples have been split apart by unfaithful behavior. Infidelity is such a breach of

How to Move Forward After Infidelity: Tips For Rebuilding Trust
The trust you built shatters completely when one partner is unfaithful. This can leave both of you feeling lost, angry, and hurt. You may believe
When Love Hurts: Understanding the Root Cause of Infidelity
From a young age, the possibility of love and a happily ever after is seen everywhere. You believe that love should feel good, that it
Can a Marriage Survive Infidelity Without Counseling?
Dealing with infidelity is one of life’s trials that no one should experience. Unfortunately, it happens. Those who discover that their partner has been unfaithful
The Importance of Boundaries in Infidelity Recovery: Setting Guidelines for Rebuilding
Infidelity will not only have a profound impact on your relationship but your entire life. You will find yourself shaken to the core and your
Reclaiming Your Relationship: Rekindling Intimacy After Infidelity
After learning about the affair, rekindling intimacy is the last thing on your mind. You want to move forward and away from the emotional wreckage
Surviving Infidelity — Couples Academy’s Best Practices
If there is one thing about infidelity—or the betrayal of trust in a relationship—it is that it feels like the sky is falling down around
The Three Phases of Infidelity Recovery: What to Expect
Infidelity recovery is a process unique to each person, and so your journey to rebuilding your relationship is going to look different from other stories
Should There Be Sex in a Marriage if Infidelity Has Occurred?
One of the most difficult steps when working towards complete infidelity recovery is intimacy—physical intimacy. For the one who was betrayed, the thought of having
Why Infidelity Happens: Common Triggers and Warning Signs
Infidelity is more common than you might believe. According to the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, 15% of wives and 25% of husbands
Does Infidelity Pain Ever Go Away?
There are many different kinds of pain in the world, but few compare to that of betrayal. The pain of infidelity is intense, piercing, and
Understanding Infidelity
A Complete Resource To Understanding Infidelity Let’s talk about something that is surprising—and sadly—common throughout the world. Most people know about infidelity and may even